Il Ceppo

The Il Ceppo brand has been in production since the late 1970‘s but, in spite of its overall good value, is not well known in all parts of the United States. Partly this is because of a limited supply of pipes and partly because the brand has not been put in front of the pipe smoking public through a national venue. Giorgio Imperatori, an architect, had a passion for pipes and in 1978 began to design and make Il Ceppo. Always considered a good value and very good for smoking the brand did not make folks stop and take notice until 1995 when Franco Rossi joined the firm.

Formerly a master carver for Bruto Sordini (Don Carlos owner) and Bruto an old master carver of Giancarlo Guidi (actual owner of Ser Jacopo and the founder of Mastro de Paja), Franco brought with him a true elegance of design and a unique flair that now helps Il Ceppo stand apart. Giorgio has retired to his farmhouse and the pipes are now all made by Franco and his sister Nadia. Il Ceppo factory focuses his manufacture into products which vaunt accurate processings and an excellent yield with prices kept amazedly convenient. Process is completely handmade except for some passages made with the aid of machines to obtain perfect results.

The briar used to make the pipes have been left resting and seasoning for at least two years before that the sapient hands of the pipemakers could start their work. Their working politic is centred on the care for details, to obtain the best product as possible. Il Ceppo prices keep a high balance with the quality of the offered product; them reflect totally their careful and eager work. They never forgot that what they make could only be obtained if moved by an unconditioned love for this work of the good old days.Today Franco Rossi and his sister produce 1500 pipes each year. Many pipes are sold in USA and other worldwide.

Il Ceppo pipes classification: N° 1 - Sandblasters N° 2 - Semirusticated N° 3 - Semisandblsters N°4/5/6/7 - Smooth and grained pipes N°9 - Rusticated
Tecnical characteristics: Pipes made per year:1.500 pipes
Shapes of pipes: classics, freeforms
Origin of the briar: Calabria (Italy)
Mainly material used for mouthpieces: acrilic
Sign of recognition:"C" the mouthpiece
Decoration: silver, oliven wood
Wooden category: smooth, sandblster, rusticated
Sold in: Italy, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Austria, worldwide too.

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5 простых причин, чтобы доверять le опыт, быстрая доставка, право на отзыв товара, безопасный платеж и конфиденциальность. Все, что вам нужно.

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